Thursday 19 May 2011


I have always enjoyed taking, and looking at photographs, but never thought of it as something to do as a career. When finished school, I decided to take photography as one of my subjec at college. I enjoyed photography the most, because it gave me the freedom to show how I see things. I also loved how everyone's work was so different. I fount it very inspiring. I then decided to take it further, and do photography at university.
In college, we mainly focused on fine art, using film cameras, and developing our photographs in the dark room. I decided to apply for this course, as I really wanted to learn more about studio photography, and the use of digital cameras. I don't have a favourite genre of photography, and I'm also not sure which industry I want to go into when I finish university. I'm hoping to learn more about photography and myself throughout the 2 years of this course.

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