Thursday 19 May 2011

Still life

 This time we were asked to research a still life painting, and to recreate it in the studio. I was working completely on my own, and tried not to ask for any help, but solve all of the problems by myself. By working on my own, I found I concentrated on the work a lot more.

I think, that this is so far my best photo shoot, which clearly shows that I am getting better by working in the studio and practicing more.

My photograph
Still life painting

Food photography

This time our task was to photograph food. I felt like I haven't thought about my composition, lightning and background well enough, and in the future I will definitely plan everything in advance.The images I produced look different to what I had in my mind, but I am still happy with the outcome. 

Sandal Castle

We went on another field trip. This time we went to Sandal castle. The weather was beautiful, which made me more enthusiastic about this photo shoot. I have never thought about photographing sandal castle before, because I never thought it was interesting enough.
I however produced a couple of images that I liked. This photo shoot taught me to really look out for the interesting things to photograph. 

Film cameras + darkroom

We were given film cameras over the half term, and our task was to photograph different things. After the half term, we were shown how to process and develop our own images in the darkroom. I was quite happy about it because I have used darkrooms before, and felt quite confident in this particular area of photography. I also love how the images look, and find the whole process fascinating and fun.

Sculputre park

We went on a field trip to the sculpture park. I can honestly say I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. That is probably partly because the weather wasn't so great. I didn't particularly find photographing the sculptures interesting, and didn't enjoy it as much as I for example enjoyed photographing live models.
However I would like to go to a place similar to the sculpture park again, and practice different types of photography a bit more. I think this trip was a good experience. Trying different types of photography shows me what I enjoy and what I'm best at.


This time, we were given a list of products we needed to photograph such as; salt and pepper pots, towels and a kettle. It was up to us how we present the product, which I thought was quite challenging, but fun at the same time. I definitely feel more confident every time I work in the studio. Getting better is just a case of time and practice.
This time, I learned that sometimes photographs don't come out as well as you think they would. I was changing the compositions of the images constantly, because I could always find something that I didn't particularly like.

Dance students photoshoot

Our task was to photograph the dance students in different locations, wearing different outfits and doing different poses. The images we were required to produce, were for the dancers portfolios. I found the experience very positive and I have definitely learned a lot. I had to talk to the dancers, make them feel less nervous, as well as making sure the lightning and my camera settings were correct. It was a full day of shooting, which really showed us what a real photo shoot looks like.